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Q&A Session for Brewers with Andrew Paterson

Q&A Session for Brewers with Andrew Paterson

In collaboration with Brewers Select, we are holding a Q & A session for Brewers. Technical Sales Manager for the UK and Scandinavia, Andrew Paterson will answer all your brewing related questions. While we specialize in yeast and fermentation please don’t limit your questions only to this side of the brewing process.

Andrew is happy to answer question related to any stage in the production process. Do you have any questions you would like to ask? Please contact Andrew Paterson at apaterson@lallemand.com or Siobhan Lakey at SLakey@brewersselect.co.uk prior to the event. There will be a chance to ask further questions at the end of the event.

Published Jul 3, 2020 | Updated Jul 28, 2023


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