Liquid isinglass finings

Liquid isinglass is added to beer post fermentation to clarify it by removing yeast and protein particles. Ready for use (RFU) and concentrated products are available.

1000 kg,25 kg,5 kg


Isinglass is essential for cask beer production in that it quickly yields bright beer with a tight, stable sediment.

In general isinglass offers the following benefits:

  • Reduced cold storage time
  • Fewer vessels
  • Lower energy use
  • Reduced beer loss
  • Improved filtration
  • Faster throughput
  • Reduced powder use
  • Improved beer haze and stability
  • Less re-work

Isinglass, although not a stabilizer, has a moderate effect on sensitive protein reduction. It contributes to the action of silica gel, and complements PVPP. During settlement of flocculated
solids, foam negative factors can be entrained. Brewers regularly notice that isinglass-treated beers have improved foam stability.



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