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[Webinar] Mashing and Fermenting for Better Wheat Beers

[Webinar] Mashing and Fermenting for Better Wheat Beers

The season for sipping a refreshing wheat beer on a summer patio is just around the corner, at least for Northern Hemisphere brewers. Brewing exceptional wheat beers requires attention to the two differentiating ingredients for these styles – Wheat and Yeast.

In this tag-team webinar, you will learn everything you need to know about wheat beers, from the hows of hefe to the whys of weizen. Galen Smith, Malteurop, covers the essentials of malt selection and mashing, and Eric Abbott, Lallemand Brewing, dives into the finer points of yeast selection and fermentation control for wheat beer styles.

Published Mar 19, 2024

Wheat Beers

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Wheat Beers

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