Comprehensive Sensory Kit

The Comprehensive Sensory Training Kit offers the most important flavors and aromatics found in beer. It is composed of 25 vials, each with a specific flavor and concentration that allows for spiking 1 liter of beer.

While breweries with established tasting panel structures will find this kit extremely valuable, it can also be used for “taster calibration” by brewers’ guilds, homebrew groups and beer judges.

500g packs

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Flavors included

Acetaldehyde – green apple, cut grass
Acetic acid – vinegar-like
Almond – marzipan, almonds
Bitter – hoppy, bitter
Butyric acid – putrid, baby vomit
Caprylic acid – soapy, fatty, candle wax
Contamination – sour & buttery
D.M.S. – cooked corn, cooked vegetables
Diacetyl– butter, butterscotch
Earthy – geosmin, soil-like
Ethyl acetate – solvent-like, nail polish remover
Ethyl hexanoate – aniseed, apple or liquorice
Geraniol – floral, geranium flowers
Grainy – husk-like, nut-like
Hefeweizen – spicy & banana
Indole – farm, barnyard
Isoamyl acetate – banana, peardrop
Isovaleric acid – cheesy, old hops, sweaty socks
Lactic acid – sour, sour milk
Light Struck – skunky, toffee or coffee like
Mercaptan – sewer-like, drains
Metallic– metal, tin-like, blood
Papery – cardboard, oxidized
Spicy – cloves, all spice
Vanilla – custard powder, vanilla essence


Technical Data Sheet

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