LalBrew London™
LalBrew London™ is a true English ale strain selected for its ability to produce authentic, traditional UK beer styles. Fermentation performance is fast and consistent producing moderate esters and lower attenuation due to an inability to metabolize maltotriose. LalBrew London™ is one of the original Heritage Strains selected from the Lallemand Yeast Culture Collection when Lallemand Brewing was founded in 1992. A more subdued yeast character allows the flavors and aromas of malt and hops to shine through in styles such as Extra Special Bitter Pale Ale, Bitter and Mild. LalBrew London™ may also be used in the production of Ciders.
Lallemand Brewing will no longer be producing LalBrew London™ in the foreseeable future. We invite you to contact your local supplier(s) to know if they have stocks left or to reach out for replacement options within the LalBrew range.
500g, 550g (50x11g), 20kg (on request only)
Quick facts
Strain | Saccharomyces cerevisiae |
Beer styles | American Pale Ale, Baltic Porter, Brown Porter, Cream Ale, English Brown Ale, English IPA, Extra Special Bitter, Irish Red Ale, Mild, Oatmeal Stout, Old Ale, Ordinary Bitter, Robust Porter, Scottish Ale, Special/Best Bitter, Sweet Stout |
Attenuation | 65-72% |
Flocculation | Low |
Aroma | Slight ester, malty |
Alcohol tolerance | 12% ABV |
Pitching rate | 50 - 100g/hL |

I chose the LalBrew London because it is a distinctive English strain, that suits perfectly for our Quardofenia - Bitter, with an interesting flavour profile leaving a good body, supporting the malt and leading to an elegant and clean bitterness; it performs very well for cellar operations having the extra value of being an active dry yeast.
We are very happy with LalBrew London because it is a strain that tolerates well 10.5%abv of our Black Sheep (Imperial Stout) and also combines and promotes the malts that we use. True love ❤️