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Beyond the Barons: Exploring Overlooked Chapters of Beer History

Beyond the Barons: Exploring Overlooked Chapters of Beer History

Beer is one of the oldest and most beloved beverages in human history, with roots dating back over 10,000 years. But what do we really know about the history of beer and brewing? And more importantly, how do we make sure that all voices and perspectives are included in that history? 

That is where beer expert and diversity advocate Ren Navarro of B. Diversity. comes in. Ren has made it her mission to highlight the diverse voices and forgotten histories of the beer industry, from the earliest days of fermentation in China and Mesopotamia to the modern craft beer revolution. 

Ren will guide us on a journey through time, exploring the many twists and turns in the history of beer and brewing. We will learn about the key role that beer played in ancient cultures, the impact of the Industrial Revolution on the beer industry, and the rise of the craft beer movement in recent decades. 

But this is not just a history lesson – it is an opportunity to challenge our assumptions and broaden our perspectives. Ren will ask us to think critically about how we define beer, who gets to brew it, and who gets to enjoy it. She will highlight the stories of people and communities who have been historically overlooked in the beer industry and offer ideas for how we can work towards a more inclusive and equitable future. 

We are excited to present this evening in partnership with the Beer Culture Center, the world’s first non-profit dedicated to sharing stories of how beer has shaped humanity. Of course, no beer event would be complete without the chance to taste some great beer. That is why we’ll begin the evening with a welcome beer and conclude with a communal bottle share.  Bring your favorite brew to share with others, or simply enjoy the offerings of your fellow attendees. 

So, mark your calendars and get ready for a fascinating journey through the history of beer and brewing. This event is a must-attend for anyone who loves beer and wants to learn more about its rich and complex history. Tickets are available now on Eventbrite for just $40, which includes light appetizers and a bottle share (please bring a beverage to share!). We cannot wait to see you there! 

Published Feb 16, 2024

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